Providing Improved Security Posture for Your Customers
The success of your customers’ cybersecurity efforts depends on their ability to recognize modern threats across their distributed network architectures. However, as the capabilities of cybercriminals continue to expand, what may have once been an effective cybersecurity strategy may now be obsolete. Moreover, critical vulnerabilities may have crept into your customers’ networks that they aren’t […]
Your Holiday Guide to Safe Cybershopping
Individuals and retailers aren’t the only ones getting ready for the biggest shopping season of the year. The holiday shopping season is also a big event for cybercriminals. Every holiday season, security researchers document spikes in online criminal activity, ranging from phishing scams, fake shopping sites, and credit card skimming software, to malicious and compromised applications […]
Threat Landscape Trends in Education
Education continues to be one of the industries most targeted by cybercriminals, primarily due to the data that schools store in their data centers. This information ranges from the PII of students and faculty, to stored payment information related to fees and tuitions, to original research being conducted by faculty and graduate students. This blog […]