2020 is unlike any year we’ve seen before. That goes for a lot of different aspects of life, both personal and professional. One key way the business world is changing is the adoption of virtual and digital operations for some, and in certain cases all, to start, grow, and run a business. When it comes to a digital landscape, no industry is more important right now than IT Solutions. Managed IT Services to help provide businesses with security for their company on all digital fronts. 2021 is shaping up to be a huge year for the IT solutions industry, and here’s why.
Why 2021 Will Be a Big Year for IT Solutions
2021 isn’t all that far away. We’re nearing the end of a tumultuous 2020 and a few things we learned this year will shape 2021.
Firstly, technology is the cornerstone of any business’ ability to adapt and grow no matter the circumstances. Companies that already invested in managed IT solutions had no trouble maneuvering the work from the home landscape. Furthermore, as more and more people used online tools to continue to operate their business, these prepared companies didn’t miss a beat and took the opportunity to jump ahead of their competition.
Secondly, there will never be a workforce like the one we knew in early 2020 again. The days of everyone in offices and meeting face-to-face are over. Even when things return to normal following a COVID-19 vaccine and elimination of the virus’ threat, people will likely still stick to what worked this past year. Virtual meetings and events are being heavily invested in by major companies. These new aspects of conducting business are here to stay, even if they become a part of what we used to utilize.
So what does all of this mean for 2021? In a lot of ways, uncertainty is a huge element that won’t be going away. There are some crucial lessons we learned in 2020, however, that might help guide us through the coming trends and the importance of IT security and managed IT services.
- We Know How Crucial It Is to Businesses of All Sizes
It used to seem like IT solutions made sense for two sorts of businesses: larger companies and ones that dealt primarily with online interfaces. Now, we know that’s not the case. Most businesses at a minimum have some sort of website. These websites can deal with anything from email addresses to more personal info like payment methods and addresses. Depending on how much of your business online, you might see cybersecurity as a major focus or a minor afterthought.
Given the 2020 landscape we all continue to endure, we can now see that online activity is growing more and more dangerous. Hackers are aware that many of us have to communicate and conduct business online and they’re taking steps to exploit that fact. With hazards ranging from email phishing to data mining, no business is safe. Even if you have a minimal amount of your operations online, 2020 taught us that IT solutions are necessary for a business to run in the current climate.
- It’s Becoming More and More Approachable for Everyone
For a lot of people, anything past installing a malware blocker is out of their IT wheelhouse. Now, we’re familiar with things like online servers, cloud storage, and VPNs because they’re helping keep businesses functioning during these unprecedented times. IT solutions are more approachable than ever because we’re getting more hands-on experience with what these services offer.
Not to mention, many companies sought to hire an IT solutions company once the pandemic hit. This was going to help businesses keep up and run without missing a beat. Even companies that never considered their cybersecurity passed password-protecting their emails are now concerned with IT services. That’s going to mean big things for the industry to come.
- Offerings Have Never Been Better for Security or Operations
Lastly, IT solutions and services are more comprehensive and effective than ever. Many IT services agencies offer round the clock maintenance and help desk assistance. Not to mention, these agencies are often at the forefront of the industry. Even small businesses that might hire a managed IT services company to help with things like data security or upgrading WiFi protection can use these elements whether they’re working remotely or back in the office.
These solutions help businesses stay safe and secure no matter where the work is being done. They’re also more affordable than ever thanks to comprehensive price points that match what a company needs rather than a one-size-fits-all cost. At the end of the day, managed IT services are going to make a huge impact in 2021. As more companies seek to hire an IT solutions company, we’ll find that the industry is a backbone to how we’ll continue to work for the upcoming year and many more to come.
Contact IT Vortex for any of your Cloud Services and/or Managed IT Services today!